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Showing posts from June, 2019

A Way for Spouses/Partners/Father's to be An Active Participant with an Infant

(*note: we use the term Dad/Dads throughout the article, but this is to also represent spouse/significant other/partner; and Mother/Mom to represent birthing person) Having a new born is never easy, and it takes a village to raise a child. So, what are some things Dads can do to help Mothers out after the baby is born? Often times, Dads can feel left out during the process after having a new born. However, they don’t have to feel that way because there is many things they can do to create a stronger bond with the baby while also helping and being supportive to their partner. In this blog, the topics covered are how Dads can create that strong bond with their new born, along with doing little actions to help the Mother out. Sometimes after the baby is born, it can be a challenge for Dads to know what to do to create a bond with the new born. It’s tough, it’s scary, it’s confusing, but doing simple actions on a daily basis will establish a bond with the new born in no time.