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Showing posts from December, 2017

Prenatal and Postpartum Conditions

Are you suffering from pregnancy-related carpal tunnel, leg cramps, or joint aches? My first question to you is: Are you taking a prenatal supplement with a DHA?  A favorite in our office is Prenatal with DHA from OrthoMolecular which is not available online from third-party sellers to ensure its safety and efficacy. Read more about it here . If you are postpartum experiencing these symptoms, please continue taking your prenatal to restore your body from what has been absorbing it from you (healing, placenta, baby, nursing). A few recommendations to help ease what is ailing you: Vitamin C : Yes, really! While we think of Vitamin C as being immune boosting (which it is great at!), it can also help throughout our body in so many different ways. One being it helps supports our connective tissue through the process of producing collagen. Collagen is a key element of our connective tissue. It also supports neurotransmitter production. Neurotransmitters are what send signals