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Showing posts from October, 2017

Picking Your Birth Team

Tying together all of our Facebook Live Guests over the past few months, I wanted to spend some time putting all of their great knowledge, information, and skills in to a written form. When you first find out you're pregnant, there are so many things to think about and consider right away. You're excited to start planning and preparing a nursery space in your home! You start thinking about things you need, maybe planning a registry, what diapers you want to start with, breastpumps, the best toys, diaper bags, and start looking at all the cute little baby clothes! But what about your medical and birth team? Seems like a huge list! How do you narrow it down? Let's go through the various team members. Provider Medical OB/GYN or Midwife? You can first start by thinking of where you'd like to birth. Do you picture yourself in the hospital, birth center, or home birthing your baby? If at home or a birth center, you'll very likely be having a midwife as your provi